Welcome to the Official Page of Martelli Ministries
Jesus Gives Life
Meet Michael Martelli
Michael Martelli is the founder of Martelli Ministries and evangelist from Wisconsin, his faith has been remarkable and God has shown many miracles in his life. Michael at a young age found his purpouse and is on FIRE to tell others about the love and grace that God has provided through His Son Jesus.

Jesus commanded ALL to go out and spread the Good News of His Death and Resurrection. To Preach the Gospel, that He has brought salvation.
(Mark 16:15) Jesus said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation"
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Our Vision is to rise up Warriors For Christ! Who are willingly going to Stand Up for JESUS!! We believe it is not an option to tell the world about the salvation that came to us who believe but we are commanded to fulfill The Great Comission. Join today and make God proud!